Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dream Restaurant

Everyone has their favorite restaurant. Some people are attracted by the food; some people are interested in the style of design; some people like the atmosphere that the restaurant generated. Each person’s favorite choice depends on their taste. Because of globalization, we can taste different kinds of food from all over the world. Due to different cultures, we have a meal in different rules. Every time I go to a restaurant, I always think about if I had my own place, it would benefit me in different ways: happiness, financial security, and standard of living.
The most important effect is happiness. There are two points that support my reason. First, eating is my interest. When I was in my country, I was always looking for a good restaurant. For instance, I like to focus on the section which introduces delicious food or new restaurant while I read the newspaper, a magazine, watch TV, and surf the internet. I will search information on the internet about the restaurant’s prices, recommended rates, where the place is, and how to get there; and then I will make a note and asked my friend to accompany me. Moreover, I will analyze each store’s food and put those on the different categories. Now, I started to think if I had my own restaurant, what kind of food I would want to put in my menu. Second, I like to do service. I had a part time job when I was a freshman at a Tofu pudding store. Every day, I learned how to do service. It was not easy work to do. For instance, every customer has their own personality and habit. Some people like to add more sugar, but some people want less sugar; some people like to put a lot of stuff in the bowl, but some people just want Tofu pudding without stuff. Otherwise, I had to learn how to talk with customers. My boss would help me when he had free time. He taught me the speaking skill because sometimes I couldn’t reply to customers in the right way. For instance, when I reply to customer with impolite words, my boss would tell me immediately. After I got used to do service, I was happy, for I did it will. Therefore, if I had my own restaurant, I will do service by myself.
The next important effect is financial security. First, I could manage money by myself. I would know every day how much I earned, and I could manage the money in how much for food material, how much for my employees, or how much I could save in my bank. Second, I wouldn’t worry about being unemployed. In addition, I created job for people to work for me, so it would be a mutually beneficial arrangement. Therefore, I would be satisfied with my life and proud of myself.
The last important effect is standard of living. I owned a store and had a steady income; I would know how much could use for my life. For instance, after I had my store for a few years, I would start to improve my life in entertainment, sport, or eating. I could enjoy my interests during my leisure time. Moreover, I could invite my family and friends to accompany me, and I could bring them to watch movies, go to picnic, and even have a trip.
Owning a restaurant would be a great job. In my opinion, it not only matches my interests, but also affects me in my life. People who want to have their own restaurant are probably the same as me. They would utilize their favorite ideas, and they would keep thinking how to make their restaurant better. Therefore, if I have the chance, I will pursue this dream and make it come true.


  1. The first quater, sometimes you made some sandwich, and gave it your classmate and me. Maybe, you like to make food for other people. That is really good to your interest~! In the future, you must have a very nice restarant~!
    mm,,,but,,,that has some problem,,,you really like to eat food,,, maybe, all people know about that include your boyfriend. please don't eat food of your customers...I really wonder about that.............please ZOE

  2. hahaha, I am! I love to eat XD.

  3. hahaha,Zoe you always focus on food.
    Actually i like to eat too.
    i think you are right because a good restaurant is very important when we are eating,such as food,environment,sevice.

  4. Eat is a great pleasure in our life.A good restaurant can give us a good environment, good foods and good service.But a successfui restaurant must have its own characteristics, to long-term foothold in this highly competitive restaurant market.I wish you to achieve your dreams as soon as possible.

  5. hahaha, dont worried, I will control! trust me!!!!

  6. I think the first effect is the most important thing. I agree you. I like eating, i know you do, too. In addition, i like to comment restaurants. I think a restaurant can effect people's mood, so go to a really good restaurant is a big thing for me. Maybe next time we can go to a very good restaurant together~~

  7.'s awesome.your dream job is very nice. i can image when you wrote this essay, you had a lot of food's picture in your brain. anyway, i can see your feture and i know you don't like folwer, you like food. open a restaurant is fit to you...

  8. You use many transation words to organazie your essay, so it helps me to know what the next step is when I read from your essay. I guess you will get your dream job in your future because you did so many efforts to find what the good quality of resturant is.

  9. Every classmates know you love eating. kkkk Whenever i eat something, you saw that I was eating. I agree your opinions. Good restaurant make many people feel happy with foods. It is important point.
