Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Let's Exercise!

People are recently interested in exercise. Even though they are busy, they try to spend time for exercise even a moment. They know that exercise is very importent. They are expected to get each different effects from exercise. There are effects which people want: health, diet.
There are recently uncommon illness for environment. Of course, people do not want to get the illness. When you exercise, you can gain immunity. It is better for your health. Even though you are sick, you can recover from sickness. Exercise is a very necessary of your health.
Some people want to diet. If you want to lose weight a lot, you would not eat anymore; however, that is not good way. You should exercise for losing weight. You can lose weight in a good way even you can have a well-proportioned figure because exercise develops muscle.
Moderate exercise tends to improve our health. Even exercise makes you are proud yourself in looking good. If you spend time for exercise even for a short time, you will get effects in your life.

Monday, April 26, 2010

A Memorable Teacher in My Life

How I can forget Mr. Shin my high school mathematics teacher because he was the most incompetent teacher I ever had? He was a director in charge. However, there was comething wrong with him that he liked to use his position. Perhaps, he was greedy. He made a special compulsory education system which forced all students to study until 11 pm after their classes. It might have been good for some students, but he wanted each student to give him 100 dollars a month. After this happened, my school was featured in a newpaper that students in my school have to spend much money then other schools. His teaching style was traditional with all lectures. He was my mathematics teacher and since my major in hight school was science and mathematics, those subjects were very important. Nonetheless, we had to just memorize not even understand for his old-fashioned teaching method. Furthermore, he never prepared for class, and he gave us wrong explanations. He also spent much time talking about unnecessary thing. When one of my classmates gave her opinion to Mr. Shin about his teaching style; he did not like it, and he slapped her on the cheek. He was not professional. He did not do his duties for students. He had to help students get in to good universities, but he did not have any information about that. Thus, all students had to find infornation about university admission by themselves. I heard that one student's parents offered a bribe to Mr. Shin so that he would help the student to attend a good university. It was unfair and illegal. It is sad that some teachers are so unethical. I just want to ask Mr. Shin why he wanted to be a teacher.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lack of Exercise

People nowadays are under a great deal of pressure which comes from many places, such as working and studying. That is because most of us want a better life, so we work hard to achieve our goals. As a result, we spend all of our time to work and study, and we don’t get enough exercise. Lack of exercise makes us become fat, and work ineffectively.
If you are not getting enough exercise, you will become fat. We see many Americans are fat because they don’t get enough exercise. The result affected me. Before I came to America, I was very thin. Although I am still thinner than many Americans, my weight has increased more than 10 lbs. The pants which I bought in China were big before, but now they are too small for me to wear. That was because I spent most of my time sitting before my computer and didn’t do enough exercise.
If you don’t do enough exercise, your efforts will be ineffective because your brain doesn’t work. We all know we should do exercise after work or study to relax our brain. When I prepared my exams as I was a high school student, I spent the whole day to review, but I didn’t get a high score. After that, I figured out that was because my studying was ineffective, and I didn’t remember many things. Even though I worked hard, I didn’t let my brain rest, so it didn’t work.
As I mentioned before, lack of exercise is not good for us to achieve our goals and improve the quality of our life. We should do enough exercise to keep our working and relaxing balance and studying effective.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Very Important Way of Learning

I think experiential learning is much more beneficial than rote learning. Rote learning is never helpful to your knowledge. Once you memorize something by rote learning, you may find that you forget it quickly. Here is my experience. My old high school had students study in rote learning. That’s because we had to prepare for the difficult Korean “SAT”. There were too many contents to memorize. So the only memory I have about high school is the fact that I was sitting the whole day memorizing something. In the end, soon after taking that ‘big’ test, I forgot much of what I learned. As time goes by, I am forgetting more and more. How sorry I am. I feel like all information which was in my head is blowing away. In contrast, you can learn a variety of things from experiential learning. First of all, experiencing directly make you remember more easily and better than memorization because you did it yourself. Also, contents from experiential learning last longer because you experience directly. I still remember when I had an experiment to see how a volcano erupts. Even better, I still remember materials which were needed, how long it took and principle which was used. Most of all, I recommend experiential learning because it can be helpful to socialize students. School has a role as a ‘socializer’. For example, as you do your group-task, you can learn how to cooperate well, or you can learn that you have to achieve your role. Also you can have a variety of experiences. I bet you will be a person who has a wide field of view. So I think experiential learning is much more beneficial than rote learning in school.

Learning More When I Am Rewarded

I learned more when I was rewarded by my teacher, Mr. Zhang who taught me calligraphy for three years. I was rewarded in the form of nice comments or gifts and lucky opportunities from Mr. Zhang. For instance, when I finished my paper and turned it into Mr. Zhang, he praised my calligraphy in front of all the students as a reward. Sometimes, he put my papers on the board and stuck them to show all of the students how good they were. Although I felt very embarrassed for the attention, it increased my confidence a lot. Also, Mr. Zhang gave me many books of various styles from different famous calligraphers as gifts so that I had chances to improve my calligraphy. Secondly, Mr. Zhang helped me to get an opportunity which allowed me to represent the best student joining the outside of school’s competitions. As a result, I came out on top always as he wished. At that moment, I knew that I was good at calligraphy from Mr. Zhang’s encouragement, so I won many competitions. In addition, Mr. Zhang introduced me to two of his artist friends. I learned calligraphy not only from Mr. Zhang but also from these other art experts. These artists expanded and enlightened my knowledge of art and aroused my interest in art. Mr. Zhang gave me rewards in the form of opportunities and comments or calligraphy books, so I learned a lot from him.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The College Entrance Examination

by steve

I have two strategies push me prepared for exam. I prepared for a big examination to get into college when I was a senior in Taiwan high school. Preparing for college can be strenuous at times, and having to take entrance exams can add to the pressure. Although it is not easy to get high scores, students always study very hard for college entrance examination in Taiwan. The score will decide whether I could receive college education. First and most important, I find the people who can help and push me to study. I remember clearly my teacher Mr. Wang because he gave us good direction to take the exam. I didn’t know how to study for exam before I met Mr. Wang. There are many types of questions which are common on the college entrance exam. Mr. Wang helped us develop test-taking skills and strategies for attacking these questions. He also gave us a lot of writing practice to develop critical thinking skills. In addition, it is really helpful to join a study team with good friends to help each other. Moreover, I always ate healthy foods, got enough sleep, and exercise every weekend before I took the exam. My mother played an important role during the exam, she kept me supplied with fresh fruits and vegetables. She also gave me balanceable meals. It made me had a good body to face the big exam and not get sick. Lastly, I planned the future and made a wonderful dream. I kept reminding myself this exam will influence my life. When I had all people’s help, I had to study harder than before. If I did well in entrance the exam, I could get into any college. I kept studying hard and continue following those rules and methods. Finally, I passed the exam and got into the college of my choice. This is my experience with the College Entrance Examination. I met some people who could help me until I got into the college, and I kept a good body without sick until I passed the exam. I graduated from Dei-Ye university in 2008. Although prepared for get into college is hard, I enjoyed my life in the university.

Success In Making a Project

During my years as a student, I have had to take many difficult exams but three strategies have helped me be successful. First, preparation is the first step to make a project. That is to say we need more information about our issue. However, get information is not a easy job because a lot of people only use internet, Such us Google is not sufficient. If want to get more information, I always go to the library. It can make me understand the issue when happen clearly or about history. Another way is go to the place. In addition, statistics is a key point for a project. And this is a difficult process. Sometimes many students want to finish project quickly so make a fake conclusion. The way to get real statistics is making a market test, Such as go to the mall or popular place and test them. Don’t be shy and don’t be afraid to be rejected by people. Second, determine is next step after preparation. That is how to carry out the project. Mean how many percent we can do it. In my case, I estimate them according to successful example from some case and study. Then compare what different or where need to revise. Follow these strategies, making a good project is not a difficult job anymore for me.


I believe that no one likes to be punished, and the best way to learn more is obtain rewards. When I was a kindergarten teacher, my students learned new things everyday in this period. When my studentsbehavior was correct, I gave them rewards, like candies, cartoon stickers, and hugs. They were very cheerful when they got rewards. Why did I give them rewards? Because I wanted to encourage them do this behavior again. Rewards teach them that as long as they do something right, teacher will give them candies. Therefore, they changed behavior into a good way that I expected. Usually, rewards can be divided into two categories. One is tangible, like candies, money, and presents; another is intangible, such as warm hugs, kind gestures, and positive praise. Children like to get tangible rewards. However, when we grow up, sometimes intangible rewards can affect us a lot. Take me for example. Last week, when Dean asked us that what ‘’imply’’ mean, I answered the question immediately: ‘’deduce’’ which is a new vocabulary that he had taught us a few days before. Dean was very surprised at my response because even he didn’t connect this word instantly. He smiled and said ‘’ good job, Sunjing’’ at least three times. I felt a surge of confidence when I heard Dean’s praise and, and I will never forget this word, ‘’deduce.’’ Also, this experience encourages me to use new words more in class. If I do this, it is not only good for me to remember the words longer but also I can get positive attention, which is a reward that most people enjoy.

Ways to get an A on landscape Design Test

Several strategies could help me get a great grade on the landscape design test in my university. First, I had to regulate my time. For example, before I took the test, I should already know the question. The test required me to investigate the context personally and record the details, such as what would be the best possibilities or how much water the place needed if not already specified. Therefore, if I didn`t manage my time, I couldn`t finish my test punctually. Second, I had to find the different materials. For instance, when I understood the environment I designed, I had to look at many different cases because I needed to put the creative ideas in my plan, like I designed a park which named Jingmei River Park on Taiwan, and I had to find the park`s documents to help understand that park`s history, the planting`s situations, and equipments. As a result, the plan would be full of special ideas and include the place`s advantages, and the design would be great. Although I didn`t have much experience and skill, I used these strategies to improve my knowledge. However high the degree of difficulty , these strategies helped me produce the innovative ideas so that I would develop the place`s potential while controlling the restrictions. Like the Jingmei River Park`s potential is the geography that could make a waterfront space, and the restriction is the big artificial parking that destroyed the landscape. The strategies of my landscape design test made me accumulate not only more experiences but also get a great grade. These are the ways to get an A on the landscape design test.

An Unforgettable Teacher

I had three history teachers each year when I was a high school student; one of them, Mrs. Chang, is my most memorable teacher. I noticed her teaching methods were different from my other history teacher, so she made me get interested in history classes. She caught my attention in her assignments, teaching style, and treatment. First, she told us a lot of stories; in addition, she linked each story together to make history unitedly. For example, if some war happened at 18XX, and another war came up the next year, she would tell the story and explain how the two wars were related, after war what was changed, caused what kind of problems, and what humans learned from it. Because she explained the entire process, I never forgot it. Second, her teaching style was helpful and impressed me. She found many extracurricular readers connecting with our subject. For example, she might give us a handout about some event which happened in ancient times or current news; she talked about how humans solved similar things in different generations. Moreover, she used extra class as much as she could for us to study history. Every day, we had to stay at school after morning class and afternoon class until 9:00 pm. She asked our homeroom teacher borrowed extra class to giving us more details teaching. Even though she really worked hard at teaching, she was always late for class because she had a lot of meetings. Lastly, her treatment of students was fun. For instance, she seemed full of energy; she made us not feel sleepy because she talked loudly and funny during the class. Plus, she talked to us just like she talked with a friend, even though she was old enough to be a grandmother. Mrs. Chang, who helped me improve my history, was the most wonderful teacher I ever had. I will never forget her.

Effective Strategies

I used two great strategies to help me prepare for the College Entrance Examination (CEE), which was very difficult and important. One of the strategies is organizing study time. I allocated my study time by varying subjects every day. For example, I spent one hour on English, took a rest, and then I spent another hour on math and took a rest. Afterward, I repeated this process on another subject. Studying in this way, I didn’t feel the review process was boring. In addition, I limited practice exams’ time, which gave me a little stress, but a little stress can aid learning, because it increases attention. I spent a little less time than the complete CEE to practice: it was two hours in math, so I just took 1 hour and 45 minutes. When I took the CEE, I didn’t feel nervous like other students, because the practice helped me to control my time well. The other strategy was to make use of all my mistakes. For example, after I studied about the use of the comma in English, I got confused and made mistakes. I wrote the wrong sentences in my notebook and compared them with correct sentences. Finally, I distinguished the differences and learned from my mistakes. Also, I asked my teachers and classmates to correct my mistakes on my tests and homework. After that, I wrote down the feedback, so that I could do better next time. These strategies really helped me in the examinations; as a result, I plan to use them for my TOEFL test.

Strategies For Exam

When I have had to take different examinations, I have used 3 crucial strategies for each exam. Whenever I have used these strategies, I felt the exams are easier, and I got a good grade, so I will introduce about this strategies. First, you have to grasp tests style. It is very important. Many teachers made the test, so they know it. They give a hint in order to solve the problems in the class. Therefore, if you pay attention to your class, you can now discover the test style, and if you solve the past exams, you can solve the new ones easily. Past exams and new exams are similar, so it helps you in order to study. Second, you have to study specific strategies for each subject. If you prepare for the math exam, you have to understand perfectly why problems have to use the method. Actually, in Korea math exams are very tricky. However, if you understand perfectly, you can solve anything. When you prepare for Korean language exam, you should read many books. It helps you understand and read quickly. When part of article and essay show in the Korean language exam, you can analyze and read quickly if you have read many books. When you make a list in a date for history, you can remember easily. Lastly, you have to get more information. For example, you have to discuss with other people in order to get different ideas. You can get many ways and learn other people’s opinion. In addition, you have to analyze each paragraph like a poem. A poem is really difficult, so you have to analyze each sentence. There are my 3 useful strategies. After I use these strategies, I have usually gotten a good grade, so I recommend them to everyone.

My English Teacher

More than any other teacher I ever had, I remember Miss Zhang because she was excellent. She was my senior high school English teacher. She made her English lessons interesting. I began to like English due to her stimulating lessons. She made efforts to attract us to the world of English, and to understand the beauty of the language and enjoy the cultures of foreign countries. We knew English was rather difficult to learn but in her class, we felt English was very easy. In addition, she was kind and patient. She was never impolite to us, which was unusual at my school. She treated us equally. She didn't mind learning knowledge slowly. Instead, she will gave us more patience and help. She showed us great love which was deeply appealing to my heart. She not only cared for our study, but also for our life. One day, my classmates Li Tong had a bad cold, so Miss Zhang took her to see a doctor and got some medicine for her. Then she kindly sent her home. When Li Tong stayed at home, Miss Zhang went to her home and helped her with her lessons. Several days later, she was able to back to school. These special efforts confirmed for me what a great teacher we had and made Miss Zhang my most memorable teacher.

My Memorable Teacher

Ms. Weiwei, who was my piano teacher, is the most memorable teacher I ever had. She always encouraged me to face my challenges, and I have lots of memories with her because she taught me piano for about 10 years. She is a wonderful teacher in my mind. First, she has good personality and was extremely patient. For example, she teaches lots of children everyday. Although sometimes children make her angry, she still teaches them patiently. If students do a good job, she will give them little gifts. In addition, every child’s parents like her so much. Second, whenever I had a hard time, she always cheers me up. For instance, I took my first TOEFL, and I didn’t think I got a good grade; therefore, I couldn’t go to college. When I shared this experience with her, she told that going to college later didn’t mean you are a worse student than my high school classmates. If I can have better life in the future, it is worthwhile to take more time to go to college. I felt better when I heard her say this. Third, we always had good conversations and a great time such as we talked about the clothes, food, and shopping. If she had the time to relax, she would ask me to go somewhere for fun and eat delicious desserts. I’m very delighted to have had this teacher, and thankfully she helped me a lot. Although I didn’t learn to play a piano when I studied in high school, she still treated me like I was her student. We were not just teacher and student, we are best friends forever.

My College entrance examination was very hard but I found some strategies that made preparing easier. This exam includes three subjects: math, physics and chemistry. Studying in class carefully is the first method I used. This was very important to me because if I studied in class, I could understand all materials of the lesson and have chances to ask teacher. I reviewed the lesson that I had learned the day before. In classroom, I tried to listen to my teacher and remember details of the lecture. I took notes what he said and used a mind map and index cards to remember the important formulas, elements etc. For example, I wrote down elements and its features on a side of a card and its chemical reactions on another side. I put them in my pocket and flashed them when I cooked for lunch or dinner. I also used them to study while I waited for the bus or shared them with my friends. It helped me a lot because I could study the lesson anytime and anywhere, especially I could learn my lessons many times. When I did it I could keep them in my mind longer. If there was something I didn’t understand, I would ask my teacher immediately. Studying at home was my second strategy. I created my own schedule to balance between my studying and daily life. For instance, if I slept and woke up early, I would feel very comfortable to study and do my homework. It helped me refresh my mind, so I could remember and study better than if I had stayed up late to prepare the lesson. I tried to do my homework completely. Besides, I also bought other books to practice more. My third strategy is study with my friends. I started a study group so that my classmates and I could study together. We did many tests, homework and shared our study experiences. As the result, I got high scores when I took the College Entrance Examination. I have used these strategies until this day and had many successes in the university.

Strategies Of My Study Skills

I had three strategies to study for my university entrance exam. Most Korean students prepare for the university entrance exam; thus, when I was a high school student, I prepared for this exam, too. If you got a high score on this test, you could apply to the prestigious university. If you graduate from the prestigious university, you can find a good job. That is the reason why many people study very hard. First, time management is important. In my case, I summarized the story about Korean literature. For example, I summarize a topic and simple story of the Korean novel and writer’s thinking. And then, I studied that, and made some questions. After that, I asked these questions to Korean teacher. The teacher give me feedback on the questions; furthermore, studied the summary. When I studied history, I distinguished between each kingdom. History is complex, but if you do that, you can study easily, and you just spend a short time. Second, understanding of the subject is important. If I didn’t understand something, I read and studied repeatedly. That was helpful for understanding. When I study English, I read aloud and repeat. If I do that, I can find some grammar mistakes easily. Third, study environment is important. If you want to concentrate, you have to find a quiet place. Most people know that a quiet place is better than a noisy place to concentrate. In addition, a study group is very useful. If you made a study group, you can teach each other. That is good thing to your study. If you use those three strategies with your motivation, you can get better scores to your exam.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Most Memorable Math Teacher

I still remember my math teacher because he was the man who made me love math. His name was Kammes and he was from Egypt. I still remember his bladnes, which was in the middle of his head, it made you know from the first glance that he was a math teacher. He was a funny kind teacher. He always told us jokes and make us laugh with his funny action. Also, he treated us as if we were his children, and he didn't made any different treatment between his student. I still remember his homework because it was daily. He gaves us 2 to 6 questions depending on the type of the question; in addition, one or two must be a difficult question. He want us to think about the question so our mind would open more and more for math. The first time I didn't like it at all; however, after I saw myself improved I liked it somehow. I spent about one to three hours in solving the homework and that depend on the type of the question. Moreover, when we got back to class he solved all the homework so we could understand the question trick. I loved his teaching style because he has many good ways to make you understand the question. He told us to think about the question like the thinking when we want to solve a puzzle. He want us to challenge the question and didn't think to lose the challenge. Also, he gaves us some question to solve it in the class then he corrected it on the board. In the end of the year I get very useful from his class and I thanked him a lot. That why I can't forget that wonderful teacher.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

How My Grandfather Died

No buddy can deny that the end for any life is death; however, not everyone believe in Paradise and hell; moreover, I think that believe make our sadness not too much when we lost someone whom we loved. My grandfather was a good man who loved all his family and take care of them. I loved my grandfather because he was funny, kind, and maybe a little angry in some cases. In the end of his life he got very sick; moreover, he got a renal failure. We tried to kideny transplant for his renal, but he was very old that's why the doctors said,:” We can't kideny transplant because he is very old and he will not make it”. That was what gives us just an only choice that we keep take him to Dialysis for four hours in the day for four days in the week. My father, brother, cousins, uncles, and I exchanging between taking my grandfather to the hospitals and taking him back home. I remember that in one day he said to me,:”I would rather die than see my family suffer from my sickness”.then I said to him,:” Don't say that father. We love you, and we hope to stay with us as long as you could”.But in the end, he died in the hospital after suffering a long time with his illness. All my family and I get very sad, but we hoped that my grandfather was a good man that Allah would admit him to Paradise by his mercy. After my grandfather died, I always blame myself because I felt like I could have done more to help my grandfather, but I didn't because I was lazy somehow. There is many time I called my cousin and told him to take my grandfather to the hospital when it was my turn to take him because I have a lecture, soccer game, tennis game, or was tired. I felt very angry at myself for every time I escaped my turn. Sometimes I wish that I could do it all over agin; however, what happens happens and I still have the future, so I promised myself to take care of my last grandmother, father, and mother. I still have these three and I must take care of them until their deaths. I will do my best, so in the future I will not regret like I regret when I lost my grandfather.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Parents' Decision

It’s so difficult to change parents’ decision, especially about daughter’s future. Parents always hope their child could make a career which they want. My parents hope could be a piano teacher. In their traditional thinking, they always think that teacher is the best choice for us. They give me two reasons why they insist so strong. The first reason is people could respect you, and the second reason is the income could be well. I have been playing piano for eight years since I was seven years old. In fact, this is a good skill for girls but it is not my passion. In that time, when I played piano I was unhappy, because it is not easy to be a piano teacher, it is a hard process. I had to practice three hours every day, otherwise, my piano teacher was so harsh. Every time I got good score on my piano tests, in my mind, I never felt happy. One day, my grandfather talked me about my future. He said, ”What job is your dream job?”I said, ”I want to be a good manager in fashion marketing.” He smiled to me and said, ”good idea, it is very suitable to you.”But I said,” but my parents want me be a teacher….” He just said, “Tell them why and try to communicate with your parents so they will understand.”And then said, ”choose that you want to be, good luck to you!”Two days later, I called up my courage and talked to parents about this. Through a night talk, they understood my opinion finally. Now i have graduated from a famous business school in Taiwan. And my major is marketing. This big decision is very important for me because I choose what I want. I know maybe I let my parents lose hope. However, they support me in choosing this way. Actually, my father is a business man, he told me,” a office worker is not easy, you have to responsible to your boss.” But I think it is enough that it is interesting thing for me. No matter what happen I will never regret my wise decision because I know I will be successful in fashion marketing.
Choosing a major is very important to every student, but it’s not easy to decide what major you will study. I thought about it a lot and it changed the way I think about my life in the future. I was a senior high school student and I would graduate and go to study in a university, so I had to choose a best major for my aptitude. That was the most important thing in my life because everyone has to find a job and earn money to take care of themselves and their family. It was difficult for me because I hadn’t had any experiences about majors. I was worried, but my parents gave me some good advice. They told me, “You should search on the internet to find about jobs and related majors”. My dad also told me about his experiences when he chose a major. I felt more comfortable when I heard my dad. When I got enough information, I asked myself, “What major I like to study?” and “What is my ability to learn that major?”. I had to think carefully because this choice would decide my future, so I thought about it many days. Sometimes I felt worried because I couldn’t figure out my abilities that I needed to have to study in university. After reflecting for several days, I made a final decision. I chose Computer Science because I like to do math, calculation and computer applications. Then, I told my parents about my choice and they were very happy that I could make an important decision by myself for my future. My parents and relatives told me, “That’s a good major, Nghiem. You have to try your best and don’t look back, we are proud of you”. I could find a good job and get a high salary when I graduate with Computer Science. Until this day, I’ve never regretted my decision because I had thought about it carefully before I chose. Making this decision changed my mind a lot, and now I can make important decisions about my life without worry. Because I always think carefully and take responsibility for my choice, I feel very confident to manage my life better.

Studying Abroad

Leaving home to study abroad when I was twenty-one years old was the most important decision I have ever made, but it wasn’t an easy step to take. When I studied in China, my major was financial management. Good students who graduated with this major would be employed by the banks. However, because of the financial crisis, the students who graduated from a college without experience had difficulty getting hired by the banks. As a result, I didn’t find a job and I just stayed at home after I graduated for a few months. My father thought I was too young to go to work, so he asked me if I wanted to study abroad to broaden my horizons and enrich my life. I had never gone abroad before, and I didn’t want to leave my family so far away, but I also didn’t want to waste time before I found a good job. “Are there any friends or relatives in Los Angeles?” I asked. “No,” Mom said, “but Wendy, trust yourself.” When Mom said this, a tear trickled down my cheek. I finished her sentences in my mind, “You should not stay with your family for your whole life, and you should create your own life.” “I know, Mom,” I said and tried valiantly to smile through my tears. I didn’t want them to be disappointed with me, so I decided to go to America by myself. At the beginning, I felt lonely and I didn’t want to talk with other people because my English was very poor. The teachers in CPELI and my classmates were really helping me very much, and I built my confidence when I got good scores on the tests. I learned how to communicate with others and made some good friends here. The decision to study abroad helped me to be firm and learn to stand on my own two feet.

The Decision to Change My Life

I changed the direction of my life by getting a double-eyelid operation. In many Asian countries, especially in Korea, to have a double-eyelid tends to be considered more beautiful than not. But many people don’t have it, so to get an operation to put double-eyelid is like a ‘fad’ in Korea. Actually, I was also one of them. When I was a teenager, I was just a featureless, ordinary, and shy girl. Even worse, I was lacking confidence in my appearance. So I was afraid of standing in front of audience very much. After graduating the high school, I had a double-eyelid operation for myself. That decision was totally for myself. Result? I loved the result of it! More people started to treat me better than before. The change in the way of being treated by other people was quite remarkable. Clerk was more favorable than before. Boys also were much more favorable and friendly than before. As a result, I became more sociable than before, and I started to enjoy meeting new people and getting attention from others. I love this change which happened to me, because it made me love and care for myself a lot than before. Some people around me who didn’t want me to have an operation now say “You were right! You made the right decision!” Plastic surgery is s never bad thing, if you need it. In my case, it changed me in a lot of good ways. So I think getting a double-eyelid operation was a nice decision which totally changed my life.


I made a decision to studying English in America. I had English class when I was a junior high school student. At that time my English was not the best in my class. I learn it just to pass the exam, not because I liked English. Therefore, from the middle to high school my standard of English remained at a basic stage. After high school, my parents decided to send me to study abroad, ”We want you have better life in the future, baby.” they said. I felt worried because my English is not good. As a result, this decision was bad for me. However, in order to live up to the expectations of my parents and my dream, I decided to seriously study English and go abroad.”Don’t worry about me. I will do my best to learn as much as I can, ”I said. Because of this decision, I have to work harder than other students and give up more leisure time to learn English. During that time I locked the door and turned off my cell phone. I studied English every day. Three months later I had a lot of progress in English. I smoothly got U.S. visa, and I came to the United States more aware of the importance of English. Bill Gates, without the knowledge of English, he could not have become the world’s richest man. English is the best tool for wealth creation. Only by learning English can I succeed in my life, and complete my dream.

Making a Big Decision

I chose to leave home to come to the U.S.A for study when I graduated high school and this was my biggest decision. I always relied on my parents, so I wanted to use this opportunity to learn independence. My parents both agreed with my decision and thought it was a good time for me to grow up; however, they still worried about me because I’m not good at expressing my feelings. I always hide in my mind what I really want to say. ”If you have problems just ask. Don't be embarrassed to ask people,” my dad said. I came to L.A. because my aunt lives here, and my uncle can help me to join the new life. I enjoy my fresh life and excited everythings arround me; however, I still faced lots of problems such as my bank accounts were closed by some events. At first, my aunt helped me to solve problems, I always thought people would help me, but one day I made my aunt angry at me, ”I already taught you, I don’t have time,” she said. I felt weak and cried. I couldn’t understand why she couldn’t help me and got angry at me at that moment. However, I figured out why. She has her own family and she has her own life. Most important thing was I forgot why I came here for. I left home not only to study but also to learn independence. In addition, She talked to me after that day, ”I just want you to know, you should handle stuff by yourself. If you can do it, your parents will be proud of you.” During this conversation, I expressed my opinion, and our relationship improve a lot. After this event, I changed a lot. For example, I can now solve problems by myself, and I can express my opinion easily, and I’m not scared to learn something new. I appreciate my aunt now because she helped me a lot to grow up to become more responsible. I really enjoy my new life now. I know I will face lots of challenges, but I will do my best to solve all the problems fearlessly in the future.

Joining The Military


Joining The Military

I was a soldier. I joined the military when I was twenty-four years old. It made me go from childlike to mature. Joining the military is a man’s responsibility in Taiwan. Every boy needs to be a soldier to protect our country. 2007 was a special year for me because I just graduated from university, but I had to go the army immediately. The government sent a letter from army’s notification to my home. On that day my mother received the mail. She opened it and read it very carefully. Suddenly, her reaction changed to upset, and then she came into my room. She didn’t say anything, just put the letter on my desk. I didn’t open the letter, because I saw front cover which was enough to let me know the matter. I looked at her eyes and gave her a smile. Actually, I was nervous and upset in my mind. I didn’t want to join the army. I wanted to stay home with my family, but I had to do my duty. We hugged for a long time because it was the last day in my sweet home. Finally, I went into the army. I received high-pressure education and met severe officer. At first, my action was very slow. I couldn’t do well in the army’s task and a lot of irrational things happened around me. It took me one year to become a standard soldier. Army’s life changed me a lot. I can’t be childish in the military. As a result, I grew up more in my life.