Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Success In Making a Project

During my years as a student, I have had to take many difficult exams but three strategies have helped me be successful. First, preparation is the first step to make a project. That is to say we need more information about our issue. However, get information is not a easy job because a lot of people only use internet, Such us Google is not sufficient. If want to get more information, I always go to the library. It can make me understand the issue when happen clearly or about history. Another way is go to the place. In addition, statistics is a key point for a project. And this is a difficult process. Sometimes many students want to finish project quickly so make a fake conclusion. The way to get real statistics is making a market test, Such as go to the mall or popular place and test them. Don’t be shy and don’t be afraid to be rejected by people. Second, determine is next step after preparation. That is how to carry out the project. Mean how many percent we can do it. In my case, I estimate them according to successful example from some case and study. Then compare what different or where need to revise. Follow these strategies, making a good project is not a difficult job anymore for me.


  1. Good work Iris. Here is one grammar change:
    "...get information is not a easy job because a lot of people only use internet, Such us Google is not sufficient." The subject should be "Getting information is..." not "Get information is..." It's common to use a gerund (ing) as a subject. Here is another example: "Getting enough exercise is essential for good health." Or "Getting good good grades in school makes our parents happy."
    Keep working on your grammar because it will make your writing clearer.

  2. oh it's good information. I know these strategies but many people don't use because these days, many people depend on internet. It is not good.

  3. Wow~~honey,good job!! I think you like to go the liberary, right!!!Ha ha ha~~ Using the liberary is a good tool to find your answer and help your project. I like to go to liberary too.

  4. ya~
    Because the internet is convenient, many people just go to Google and search. In contrast, there are many professional information in the library. The book can help us understand our projects more clearly.
