Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The College Entrance Examination

by steve

I have two strategies push me prepared for exam. I prepared for a big examination to get into college when I was a senior in Taiwan high school. Preparing for college can be strenuous at times, and having to take entrance exams can add to the pressure. Although it is not easy to get high scores, students always study very hard for college entrance examination in Taiwan. The score will decide whether I could receive college education. First and most important, I find the people who can help and push me to study. I remember clearly my teacher Mr. Wang because he gave us good direction to take the exam. I didn’t know how to study for exam before I met Mr. Wang. There are many types of questions which are common on the college entrance exam. Mr. Wang helped us develop test-taking skills and strategies for attacking these questions. He also gave us a lot of writing practice to develop critical thinking skills. In addition, it is really helpful to join a study team with good friends to help each other. Moreover, I always ate healthy foods, got enough sleep, and exercise every weekend before I took the exam. My mother played an important role during the exam, she kept me supplied with fresh fruits and vegetables. She also gave me balanceable meals. It made me had a good body to face the big exam and not get sick. Lastly, I planned the future and made a wonderful dream. I kept reminding myself this exam will influence my life. When I had all people’s help, I had to study harder than before. If I did well in entrance the exam, I could get into any college. I kept studying hard and continue following those rules and methods. Finally, I passed the exam and got into the college of my choice. This is my experience with the College Entrance Examination. I met some people who could help me until I got into the college, and I kept a good body without sick until I passed the exam. I graduated from Dei-Ye university in 2008. Although prepared for get into college is hard, I enjoyed my life in the university.


  1. people who can help you and give you encourage is really important when you have serious test.
    I still remeber my college entrance exam, it hard to prepared all the subjects. I delighted I just came to LA to study, didn't need to prepared second entrance exam ~

  2. Good writing. Here is one change in Word Choice/Word Form you should make: "I met some people who could help me until I got into the college, and I kept a good body without sick"
    Change "I kept a good body without sick" to "I kept a healthy body, so I didn't get sick." or "I kept a healthy body without getting sick." The adjective "sick" needs a verb like "get" or "am". "I got sick." "I am sick." The preposition "without" needs to be followed by a gerund (ing word). For example, "I can't seem to play basketball without getting hurt." OR "It's hard to prepare for a "big" test without stressing out.'

  3. thank you jim, i will review this esaay again.i imporve my english writting in here, thank you again
