Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I believe that no one likes to be punished, and the best way to learn more is obtain rewards. When I was a kindergarten teacher, my students learned new things everyday in this period. When my studentsbehavior was correct, I gave them rewards, like candies, cartoon stickers, and hugs. They were very cheerful when they got rewards. Why did I give them rewards? Because I wanted to encourage them do this behavior again. Rewards teach them that as long as they do something right, teacher will give them candies. Therefore, they changed behavior into a good way that I expected. Usually, rewards can be divided into two categories. One is tangible, like candies, money, and presents; another is intangible, such as warm hugs, kind gestures, and positive praise. Children like to get tangible rewards. However, when we grow up, sometimes intangible rewards can affect us a lot. Take me for example. Last week, when Dean asked us that what ‘’imply’’ mean, I answered the question immediately: ‘’deduce’’ which is a new vocabulary that he had taught us a few days before. Dean was very surprised at my response because even he didn’t connect this word instantly. He smiled and said ‘’ good job, Sunjing’’ at least three times. I felt a surge of confidence when I heard Dean’s praise and, and I will never forget this word, ‘’deduce.’’ Also, this experience encourages me to use new words more in class. If I do this, it is not only good for me to remember the words longer but also I can get positive attention, which is a reward that most people enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. haha..
    Jim gave us candies like you. Also, because of Mr.’s praise, not only make you to remember the word, but also much of us remember it.
    Good job, Sunjing!
